"About Me"
You can call me Cee, and I’m the creator of this here
‘EssayPlease’ site you’re on right now. And just like you, I’ve
been in what I call the ‘student shoes’ before. I’ve worked
jobs, taken care of family, juggled plenty of responsibilities,
all while going to school full time. So I know it isn’t easy, and writing can be one of the most difficult and crucial parts of school.

Since I was a kid I’ve had a knack for writing. Regardless of topic, I had the unique ability to put together words that
would dazzle teachers (lucky me). That’s where EssayPlease was born. I wanted to use my abilities to help others who aren’t so talented in writing, or abundant with time- to get papers that were plagiarism-free, well-written and delivered by a human that actually cares about your work-that’s my mission.